This is the 7th Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Sasasrara
Meaning: "thousand"
Color: Purple or White
Location: Top of the head
Element: Thought of God
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Tarot Suit: The entire Major Arcana (the 22 dominant Tarot Cards in a standard deck)
This Chakra is about Spirituality, Connection to higher power, "seeing the bigger picture"
This is the 6th Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Meaning: understanding and commanding
Crystal : Amethyst, flourite, Star sapphire, azurite, alexandrite
Color: Deep Indigo Blue
Location: Center of the forehead 1 inch above the brow line
Element: Light
Body: Celestial
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn and Sagittarius
Tarot Suit: Swords
Sense: Intuition
Ruling Planet: Saturn or the Sun
This Chakra is about intuition, perception, Inner wisdom, dreams
Associated with the following areas, Pineal Glands, Carotid Nerve Plexus
This is the 5th Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Vissudha
Meaning: Purity
Color Bright Blue
Location: Behind throat at the base of the neck.
Element: Space or Ether
Body: Etheric
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius and Scorpio
Tarot Suit: Wands
Sense: Ears
Ruling Planet: Jupiter or Mercury
This Chakra is about communication, speaking the truth, Ability to listen and Manifestation Associated with the following areas thyroid gland, throat, trachea
This is the 4th Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Meaning: Intact or Unstuck
Color: Green
Loation: Behind the heart
Element: Air
Body: Astral
Zodiac Sign: Pisces and Libra
Tarot Suit: Swords
Sense: Touch
Ruling Planet: Venus
This Chakra is about Love, compassion, empathy, kindness the love for self, peace within
This is the 3rd Chakra
More Info coming soon!
This is the 2nd Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
Meaning: The dwelling place of the self
Crystal: Carnelian, coral, amber and other orange stones
Location: Just below the navel
Element: Water
Body: Emotional
Zodiac Sign: Taurus and Leo
Tarot Suit: Cups
Sense: Taste
Ruling Planet: Mercury, Jupiter or the moon
This Chakra is about emotions, passion, sexuality, creativity
The old phrase listen to your gut!
Associated with the following areas
Low back pain bladder, menstrual, reproductive organs and fertility
This is the first Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Muludhara
Crystal: Ruby, bloodstone, garnet
Meaning: Root
Color: Red
Location: Base of the spine
Element: Earth
Body: Physical
Zodiac Sign: Gemini and Cancer
Tarot Suit: Pentacles
Sense: Smell
Ruling Planet: Mars, Saturn, Earth
This Chakra is about our survival feeling safe and grounded in our lives/bodies
Associated with the following areas feet, legs bones